
The Sour Taste of Pineapple

Publication Date: 

October 20, 2008

Since the 1960’s, pineapple production has quadrupled and export has tripled worldwide. While profits for some have tremendously expanded under such development, this report demonstrates how pineapple workers, their families and communities, and the environment in the largest pineapple producing nations have not enjoyed the benefits of such growth.

Sweatshop Solutions?

Publication Date: 

October 10, 2008

This is an account of a particularly abusive factory in Bangladesh which produces children’s wear, primarily for Wal-Mart. It reveals how one of the world’s most powerful companies is influencing lives and working conditions in one of the poorest countries in the world.

Forced Child Labor in Uzbekistan’s 2008 Spring Agricultural Season

Publication Date: 

October 10, 2008

At the end of March and in early April this year, Uzbekistan’s parliament ratified the ILO Convention on Minimal Age of Employment (No. 138, 1973) and the Convention on Prohibition and Immediate Action for Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (No. 182, 1999). The very next month, however, under the direction of Uzbekistan’s central government, local authorities and school administrations forced thousands of children out to the fields for spring agricultural work.

Questions ILRF Wishes the Candidates Would Answer

Publication Date: 

October 7, 2008

In this document, ILRF Executive Director Bama Athreya, outline some of the key questions related to global labor rights we wish the US presidential candidates would answer. As the candidates prepare for a debate tonight and workers around the world participate in World Day for Decent Work, we want to know how a new administration would promote decent work for all globally.

ILRF Pre-Hearing Brief Concerning Dole's Application for Increased Trade Benefits

Publication Date: 

October 3, 2008

The ILRF filed this pre-hearing brief related to the request by Dole Packaged Foods, LLC to expand the GSP preference program with the Philippines to add Pineapple Juice, not concentrated. The ILRF requests that the USTR hold open the review and defer making a decision pending resolution of the outstanding disputes between Dole Philippines (Dolefil) and local union representing its workers, AK-NAFLU-KMU (Amado Kadena), where there are still dozens of outstanding legal disputes related working conditions and freedom of association violations.

SweatFree School Uniforms Informational Packet

Publication Date: 

October 1, 2008

Youth in the 21st century are more connected to people around the world than in previous generations. Consequently, the role that youth play as consumers has dramatically changed over the years. In an effort to bring together the issues of where our products comes from and the labor rights issues associated to global supply chains, the International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF) has developed an opportunity for students to realize their role in ongoing globalization and the connections they have to workers around the world.
