The Dindigul Agreement to End Gender-Based Violence and Harassment

The Dindigul Agreement is an enforceable brand agreement on gender-based violence and harassment signed in April 2022 by Tamil Nadu Textile and Common Labor Union (TTCU), Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA), and Global Labor Justice (GLJ) — together with Gap, H&M and PVH — covering several units at Eastman Exports in Tamil Nadu, India. 

The Dindigul Agreement addresses the global imbalances in garment supply chains by empowering workers’ organization TTCU to collectively report and resolve workplace issues through structured local union-management relations, backed by local and global enforceable agreements. 

Since signing the Dindigul Agreement, TTCU has transformed conditions at factories covered by the Agreement through path-breaking strategies such as appointing women worker leaders as shop floor monitors, remediating GBVH through survivor-centered union-management dialogue, and using international standards on violence and harassment, freedom of association, and caste and migrant discrimination to uphold respect for women garment workers. The Dindigul Agreement is the first enforceable agreement on gender-based violence and harassment in Asia.


The Dindigul Agreement has been featured by the US Department of Labor, World Economic Forum, German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (PST), UN Population Fund and Special Procedures, and Oxford Human Rights Hub, among many others. In 2022, TTCU, AFWA and GLJ were awarded the Gwynne Skinner Human Rights Award for their work on the Dindigul Agreement, which “evidences innovation and collaboration to build accountability and can serve as a model to build forward, including in other regions and sectors.” 

The Dindigul Agreement builds on Asia Floor Wage Alliance and Global Labor Justice’s work on gender-based violence and harassment in garment supply chains, including 2018 reports on GBVH in H&M, Gap, and Walmart’s supply chains. The Dindigul Agreement honors the life of Jeyasre Kathiravel, a 21-year old Dalit woman and TTCU member working at Natchi Apparel — now covered under the Dindigul Agreement — who was murdered by her supervisor in January 2021.

For the latest on the Dindigul Agreement, read the Dindigul Agreement Year 2 Progress Report, published by Cornell University’s Global Labor Institute in September 2024. The Report finds “overwhelming evidence that the Dindigul Agreement is meeting the goals for which it was created:” confronting GBVH and caste-based discrimination at work. The results are clear: the Dindigul Agreement has enabled women workers to leverage their collective voice for change.

Dindigul Agreement Resources: 



Women are driving change, despite significant obstacles.

Since industrialization began, women have been exploited as a source of cheap labor for growing industries needing work in low-skilled, light manufacturing. Garments in particular have been a stepping stone industry, recruiting women to work outside the home. This tradition continues today in export processing zones (EPZs) throughout Asia, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa, where women comprise between 70-90% of the labor force. They produce not only garments, but agricultural products, electronics, and many of the household goods we purchase today. Women’s rights are routinely denied in these factories. These women workers are subject to physical and sexual harassment on the job, forced pregnancy tests, and gender-based discrimination in addition to more general workplace abuses like wage theft and bans on unionization.

Though these jobs have given women certain levels of financial independence they did not have before, the wages have remained low and opportunities to advance skills few. Other problems quickly emerge, including:

  • Women’s role at work changed but their role in society remained subservient, creating expectations they work day night;
  • Increased rates of violence against women;
  • More single-women headed households lacking a male counterpart; and
  • Youth violence emerging as a result of idle youth with too little parental guidance.

These problems, however, are not a result of women entering the workforce, rather a symptom of the inequality that already existed and shifting expectations both of and from women. Women who work are less dependent on husbands, and thus more able to assert their rights within the home. Similarly, women who have access to quality education, labor unions, and a variety of opportunities for work are less dependent on their employer and more able to assert their rights on the job.

Unfortunately, these factors are often not present for women. Three international agreements have been put in place to protect the rights of female workers: ILO Equal Remuneration Convention (No. 100), Discrimination of Employment (No. 111), and Maternity Protection Convention (No. 183). But implementation of these conventions is mixed at best, and social conventions still disempower women in many countries. It’s still legal to discriminate against women in many parts of the world and even when women are equal under the law, the reality is often quite different.

Women also have a tradition of leading the way for change to address these issues. In March 1911, a fire broke out on the top floors of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York. Of the 500 workers at the factory—mostly young women—146 died. They inspired a movement, however, that brought together suffragettes, women trade unionists and other concerned activists to create more just labor standards in the United States. A similar situation exists today in Bangladesh, and ILRF is committed to turning these tragedies into opportunity for much-needed labor reforms that lift up the voice of workers in their jobs, at the homes, and in their communities.


Labor rights and women’s rights are inherently entwined.

With the international attention focused on the garment industry in South Asia right now, an industry comrpised primarily of female workers, it is an important place to begin promoting women's rights at work on the ground. ILRF is thus leading an effort to advance dialogue on the role of women in the apparel industry. More than 1,500 workers died in less than eight months of 2013 in preventable factory disasters in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Nearly every major brand buying clothes in Bangladesh has now signed on to one or more high-profile, new initiatives to improve factory safety in Bangladesh, where the numbers of workers lost has been greatest. Only one of these agreements, however, requires the kinds of fundamental changes that can reform the apparel industry. The Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh requires from signatories a binding commitment to stick with their suppliers to ensure repairs are made and safety measures put in place, with the support and oversight of local and international trade unions. ILRF is committed to encouraging more signatories to the Accord, and applying this method to other dangerous export industries in which women are disempowered.

This effort build off a long history of ILRF work in promoting women’s rights. Since 2006, we have teamed up with partner organizations in developing countries to conduct research and develop strategic domestic work plans. In March 2012, we published the report “Women in the Honduran Melon Industry” which detailed the low wages and occupational safety risks faced by the temporary field workers in packing centers and plantations around Honduras. We followed up the study with urgent email actions. Over 4000 supporters responded, flooding the inbox of the Irish multinational fruit company Suragroh-Fyffes. The company eventually committed to a 20 percent raise for workers, full compliance with Honduran law, clean spaces for workers to eat on lunch break and at least one day off each week.

Free trade agreements: The ILRF also supports the inclusion of anti-discrimination clauses and enforceable labor rights mechanisms in NAFTA, CAFTA, the U.S.-Peru and U.S.-Panama Free Trade Agreements, the African Growth and Opportunity Act, and the Multi Fibre Agreement.