Walmart Stops Censoring Facebook Page, But Avoids Key Issue

Shannon Singer: it's a canned answer, they don't give a sh!T

Susan Rankin: If Walmart has SUCH a good relationship with the Bangladeshian Government then use it to get all charges against the labor leaders dropped. Otherwise, we will boycott Walmart. Thanks for your great humanitarian concern Walmart.

Liana Foxvog: Right, so the Bangladeshi minimum wage was updated in Nov 2010 to try to keep up with the pace of inflation in Bangladesh, but it's still far less than what a living wage would be and what the falsely accused labor leaders were encouraging through peaceful and legal advocacy. The fact that Walmart wasn't willing to support a decent wage level helped result in a smaller wage increase than what may have otherwise been possible. The wage level in Bangladesh barely covers the cost of food for one person, much less for a family. Check the report at for detailed reporting on the wage and nutrition info.

While Walmart now appears to be somewhat responsive, the company is not engaging in dialogue as it isn't discussing any further than pasting in its Supplier Standards paragraph dozens of times.

On the occasion that Walmart does respond directly, they appear to lack accurate information. On May 18, Megan Murphy, Walmart's International Corporate Affairs Manager, told "Following the reports of labor rights issues in Bangladesh, our Ethical Sourcing team communicated with representatives of the Nassa Group to discuss the BCWS situation and we understand that the Nassa Group has dismissed all charges against the BCWS and the 54 involved Nassa employees."

However, the falsely accused leaders of the Bangladesh Center for Worker Solidarity report differently. They continue to be required to show up regularly in court. The falsified criminal charges that they face have not actually been dismissed.




re: Walmart Stops Censoring Facebook Page, But Avoids Key Issue

I have been tracking Wal Mart's injustices for years, and teach a course that reveals their ugliness to workers. Add my outrage to the list of complaints, and my impassioned request that they free these leaders! GREED is what seems to keep them going! Jane, Tucson AZ