Bangladeshi Trade Unionists Stand in Solidarity with Workers in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Elsewhere

By Liana Foxvog, National Organizer, SweatFree Communities

Today we received this deeply moving solidarity message from the National Garment Workers Federation of Bangladesh along with a photo of their demonstration in solidarity with "the fighting workers of the USA":

We stand in solidarity with the workers in the United States resisting the assaults on their rights.  We applaud the workers in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere who have taken to the streets and Capitols to reject the attempts to deny them of their rights to collectively bargain, and to decide on the conditions of their labor.

Their resistance has been inspirational to the labor movement and to working people all over the globe.

Further, we reject attempts by governments to balance budgets at the expense of working people.  These are clearly attempts by the owning class and their allies to weaken the labor movement, which has historically been the counter-balance to the power of big business and their control, not only of economic power, but also political power. We also reject efforts by governments and business groups to split the working class, either by distinguishing between public sector and private sector, or American, foreign, or immigrant workers.  This division only serves the interests of big business.  We wholeheartedly support the statement "an injury to one is an injury to all."  Only through a strong working class movement can we defend against the current assaults on working people all over the globe.

Solidarity forever!
Amirul Haque Amin
National Garment Workers Federation

