
Firestone call-in day a success!

ILRF circulated two phone numbers for Firestone to our e-mail action list on the morning of the 26th.  The first goes directly to Adomitis' voicemail and the second is the general phone number for the Firestone Natural Rubber Company.  When Stop Firestone supporters called during noon and 2pm for the call-in day, they were greeted by a pre-recorded voicemail filled with Firestone's usual propaganda about how much they are helping Liberia.  Adomitis got quite an earful from all of our callers about how they will not give up until all the demands are met. 

China Not Sole Source of Dubious Food

I have heard people in the grocery stores begin to check where
products are coming from and are shocked to find food coming from all
corners of the world.  It is a reality check for people who assume that
the food we consume would come from the US (though I could rant for
days how the notion that food is labeled "Product of the USA" doesn't
in any way give it a pass since we know that corporatization of US
agricultural has meant a lowering of standards).

Here is my quick and dirty take on all of it:

Bananas, Globalization, and Being There...

By Raechel Tiffe, who recently visited Guatemala with STITCH's Women's Leadership Delegation

The air in Morales, Guatemala is hot. More than hot, the air in Morales Guatemala would be more suitably compared to how it must feel to camp out in a 150 degree oven, wrapped up in a wet woolen blanket. But amidst this rural Central American landscape also rests a town owned by the transnational
banana corporation, Del Monte. It is here where many of the Del Monte workers live, leaving them always in the palm of Del Monte's clean, unlabored hands.

What do Shakira, the Teamsters, Uribe and the Clintons have in common?

In order to change Colombia's and his own image, Uribe has enlisted the help of several public relations firms to respond to the latest news on Colombia and distort the country's human rights record in order to assuage the serious concerns about US support for Uribe's government.  One of those firms is Burson-Marsteller and is headed by Mark Penn (former clients include the Argentine military junta, Union Carbide and Royal Dutch Shell).  Penn was an adviser to former President Clinton and is currently a top adviser to Hillary Clinton.  Clinton just received letters from the presidents of the Teamsters and UNITE-HERE unions protesting


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