Chocolate Updates! Green & Black's and Ashlee Simpson

It's also interesting to note that Green & Black's is owned by Cadbury and it seems almost certain at this point that Kraft will be taking over Cadbury very soon.  Many people have been concerned about what will happen to Cadbury's Fair Trade cocoa sourcing once the deal goes through because Kraft does not have the same level of commitment to Fair Trade Certified cocoa.  However, Kraft has stated that they expect to honor Cadbury's practices.  We hope that Green & Black's, as well as Cadbury, will be able to maintain -- and increase -- their investment in Fair Trade and socially and environmentally sustainable cocoa production in the future.

Ashlee Speaking of Cadbury... Cadbury products in the US (not including Green & Black's) are licensed to be produced by Hershey.  Unfortunately, Hershey has been lagging behind its competitors in supporting sustainable cocoa growing and has not agreed to any programs to trace its cocoa supply chain and institute labor standards for suppliers.  That's why it was disappointing to see that pop star Ashlee Simpson was out promoting new Hershey products in New York City this past week.  We hope that Ashlee, who has been supportive of other efforts to support children globally, will take this opportunity to push Hershey to do more to stop child and trafficked labor in their cocoa supply chain. 

YOU can do more by posting a tweet of Twitter like this: @ashsimpsonwentz why are you promoting a product made using #childlabor -- #hershey uses cocoa harvested by kids

