
Developing Effective Mechanisms for Implementing Labor Rights in the Global Economy

Publication Date: 

May 10, 2000

The major point of this paper is that workers in different countries are not adversaries and there is no actual conflict of interest between them. Broad-based economic development is a win-win proposition for workers. Workers in all countries must grasp that they are presently in a doomed competition for low wage jobs, while the MNCs are reaping the benefits of a global surplus of cheap labor. Workers everywhere must return to basics and act together to deal with the global power of MNCs. The unifying theme can be that all workers will benefit if global wages rise.

Child Labor in the Soccer Ball Industry

Publication Date: 

February 1, 1999

In 1996, the International Labor Rights Fund launched a campaign to end the exploitation of child labor in the soccer ball industry. This campaign secured the endorsement of important soccer leagues, city government, youth and children's associations. The campaign also helped encourage the establishment of an international program to move children from soccer ball stitching to schools in Sialkot, Pakistan, where 70% of the world's soccer balls were made.
