
Open letter to Senators Mitchell and Snowe

Publication Date: 

June 27, 2013

Dear Senators Mitchell and Snowe:

In the last eight years, more than 1,800 garment workers have been killed in preventable factory fires and building collapses in Bangladesh. They have died because global apparel brands have demanded clothing to be manufactured at the lowest prices in the world, and because the government and industry have ignored safety standards to keep down costs.

Tariff Act Complaint: ILRF Calls on U.S. Customs Service to Halt Imports of Forced Labor Cotton from Uzbekistan

Publication Date: 

May 15, 2013

Formal Tariff Act Complaint against the importation of cotton from Uzbekistan grown and harvested with forced labor filed with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Under the Tariff Act of 1930, the U.S. Customs Service is required to deny entry to goods that arrive at U.S. ports that contain materials made with forced labor.

Watch a video of the ILRF discussing the Tariff Act with members of congress:

