In the News

Public Criticism for Public Strategies

Human rights and labor activists protested outside the Washington DC offices of Public Strategies, Inc., claiming that the public relations firm helps the Bridgestone / Firestone Tire Company "deflect attention away from the company's long history of exploiting workers and the environment on its rubber plantation in Liberia." The protest comes shortly after the publication of a report from a Liberian-based organization that all

Drummond Colombia coal miners say to end strike

Reuters UK

Workers at the Pribbenow mine in northern Colombia, owned by U.S.-based Drummond, have signed a preliminary two-year contract and will end their strike soon, a union official told Reuters on Tuesday.

"We have a preliminary contract agreement," said Joaquin Romero, president of the Funtraenergetica labor organization which represents 3,500 Pribbenow miners.

"The strike will be lifted when the agreement is signed, probably later today," Romero said.

CUT supports strike by Drummond’s workers

Colombia’s United Workers Federation

Three thousand workers of the coal mine situated in the municipalities of La Loma and Puerto de Ciénaga, located in the Colombian departments of Cesar and Magdalena respectively, began a work-stoppage at 5:50 PM on Wednesday, July 16, 2008. This is the second largest coal mine in Colombia and is run by the U.S.-based Drummond mining company. Drummond has also been granted a lease to extract natural gas deposits discovered in the same area and to operate the 55,000-acre El Descanso mine, in the municipalities of Becerril and Codazzi, considered the largest coal mine in the world.

Zimbabwe Unions Call for Tougher Sanctions on Mugabe Regime


By Brian Latham

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions called for tougher sanctions against President Robert Mugabe and his senior lieutenants.

ZCTU, the main umbrella body representing organized labor, made the call after the African Union said it will provide a "reference group" of African and United Nations diplomats to assist South African President Thabo Mbeki to mediate talks.

Declarada Huelga En Drummond Ltd.


Informamos al movimiento sindical, organizaciones sociales, fuerzas políticas y opinión pública nacional e internacional que los 3.500 trabajadores de la transnacional minera del Carbón Drummond Ltd, afiliados a SINTRAMIENERGETICA, decretaron la hora cero, el día 16 de Julio de 2008 a las 5:50 pm., producto de la votación de la HUELGA en sus asambleas generales, paralizando totalmente la producción en la Mina y Puerto, ante la negativa de esta empresa a solucionar el modesto pliego de peticiones presentado por los trabajadores a través de su Organización sindical Sintramienergética – Funtraene

Drummond Colombia coal mine workers go on strike

Reuters UK

Workers at U.S. coal company Drummond's Pribbenow mine located in northern Colombia have gone on strike after a breakdown in contract talks, a union official said on Thursday.

The open-pit mine produces about 2 million tonnes of coal per month, according to privately owned Drummond, which confirmed that operations have been shut down by the work stoppage.

"The mine is paralyzed," said Joaquin Romero, president of the Funtraenergetica labor organization which represents Pribbenow's 3,500 workers.

Zimbabwe trade unions condemn Mugabe re-election


Zimbabwe's largest trade union federation on Wednesday condemned President Robert Mugabe's re-election and called on the African Union to appoint a high-profile envoy to help mediate talks with the opposition.

Mugabe won a landslide victory last month in a vote that was boycotted by opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai and denounced by Western nations as violent and unfree. Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change has refused to recognise the result.
