In the News

Protesters target local Wal-Mart

Lansing State Journal

By T.M. Shultz

MERIDIAN TWP. - Clementine Mthethwa of Swaziland shivered in the bitter cold Thursday afternoon on the sidewalk outside the Wal-Mart store in Okemos.

The 40-year-old factory worker from southern Africa makes sport shirts that are bought by Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and sold in its stores. She said she makes a penny for every five shirts she puts together. That earns her about $35 a month in U.S. currency.

"They should give people better wages," Mthethwa said.

Toxic apparel discovered at Wal-Mart, other retailers

China Daily

Investigators are looking into how clothing containing cancer-causing agents found its way onto shelves at Wal-Mart, Carrefour and several local leading chain stores, according to a report posted yesterday on the website of the Beijing Administration For Industry and Commerce (BAIC).

Certain apparel made by 28 clothing brands sold in these stores failed quality inspections earlier this month because they contained unsafe materials, the administration found.


Inquirer (Philippines)

WHO CAN forget the manner in which the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (AmCham) lavished praise on Ferdinand Marcos for proclaiming martial law? Back then, it breathlessly sang the praises of dictatorship: "[AmCham] wishes you every success in your endeavors to restore peace and order, business confidence economic growth and the well-being of the Filipino people and nation. We assure you of

our confidence and cooperation in achieving these objectives. We are communicating these feelings to our associates and affiliates in the United States."

U.S., Mexico Activists Fight Wal-Mart

Associated Press

By Mark Stevenson

MEXICO CITY -- U.S. and local activists formed a common front on Sunday to fight the expansion of Wal-Mart stores in Mexico, saying small stores and the national culture are under threat from what is already the world's biggest retailer.

Activists from several U.S. groups and 10 Mexican labor, community and commercial organizations wrapped up a two-day meeting dubbed the First Binational U.S.-Mexico Meeting Against Wal-Mart.

Denuncian activistas rapacidad y explotacion laboral de Wal-Mart

La Jornada (Mexico)

By Emir Olivares Alonso

The cost the community has to pay for Wal-Mart’s low prices is very high, since the company represents the most predatory form of capitalism, because it exploits its workers, suppliers, communities and towns where it sets up shop, in addition to the fact that it devastates the environment, says Ruben Garcia of Global Exchange.

US retail giants urge Arroyo to protect human, labor rights

Inquirer (Philippines)

By Nonoy Espina

IN THE latest broadside against the Philippine government’s rights record, seven major American retail outfits that source garments from the Philippines have written President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo calling for more “proactive measures” to protect human and labor rights and right advocates.

The November 7 letter, a copy of which was obtained by, was written in the wake of reports about “violent attacks on striking workers and the assaults and killings of labor rights promoters,” particularly in the Cavite Export Processing Zone.

US retail giants urge Arroyo to protect human, labor rights

By Nonoy Espina

IN THE latest broadside against the Philippine government’s rights record, seven major American retail outfits that source garments from the Philippines have written President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo calling for more “proactive measures” to protect human and labor rights and right advocates.

The November 7 letter, a copy of which was obtained by, was written in the wake of reports about “violent attacks on striking workers and the assaults and killings of labor rights promoters,” particularly in the Cavite Export Processing Zone.
