
We Want More from Our S’mores

The chocolate industry was made aware these abuses in 2001. The Chocolate Manufactures Association pledged to eliminate slave and child labor from cocoa production. Many of Hershey's competitors, like Mars and Cadbury, have begun to implement policies to purge child labor from their supply chains. Cadbury, its parent company Kraft Foods, Blommer Chocolate Company, and Mars Inc., and about half a dozen other major chocolate manufactures, have all agreed to use cocoa certified by independent monitors. 

Silenced Against Injustice

Recently there have been egregious labor rights violations carried out by Thai authorities against Somyot Pruksakasemsuk. Somyot has been jailed without prior warning by the Thai authorities for voicing the cry for public dialogue and fundamental change in his country. Somyot is an independent journalist producing the 'Voice of Taksim' newsletter supporting the democratic movement in Thailand.  

Cosi's Chocolate S'mores Should be Delicious for Workers

Cosi has not made a commitment to using cocoa that is Fair Trade Certified and it has almost no information publicly available about its policies to ensure that its food products are not linked to extreme labor rights abuses. That is why concerned consumers are calling on Cosi to start using Fair Trade Certified cocoa for its chocolate products, starting with s'mores.

Labor Rights in Haiti: More Than One Year After the Earthquake

While this legislation is profitable for investors and is bringing garment manufacturing jobs to the nation, workers rights and other such groups are adamant that a sweatshop-based development model is not suitable for the positive advancement of Haiti’s economy and people. Yannick Etienne, an organizer with the labor rights group Batay Ouvriyè believes the U.S. legislation will bring profits to the big companies while causing instability and poor workplace standards. She advocates for worldwide solidarity to give Haitians union rights and the power to change their situations.

1911 – 2011: One Hundred Years of Continuous Struggle and Tragedy for Factory Workers Globally

March 25, 2011 marked the 100th anniversary of the devastating fire that flourished through the upper three floors of the Triangle Factory in downtown Manhattan, killing 129 women and 17 men.. On the day of the fire at 4:40pm the 8th floor caught aflame (from what is thought to be a discarded cigarette), there was no plan, never even practice of a fire drill. Unfortunately 146 people were caught in the inescapable fire.. Sprinkles and fire drills were happening in other factories, but not in the Triangle Factory. Later evidence discovered that the ninth floor exits, with three-hundred employees, had been locked.


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