Oprah's Godiva Love Fest

Other chocolate companies have gone much farther in ensuring transparency in their cocoa sourcing and supporting better conditions for cocoa farmers.  For example, Divine Chocolate is Fair Trade certified and is even co-owned by the democratic cooperative in Ghana that produces its cocoa, Kuapa Kokoo.  Equal Exchange sources cocoa beans from Fair Trade cooperatives in Latin America and its operations in the US are run by a worker-owned cooperative.  More and more big companies like Green & Black's and Ben & Jerry's are also making stronger commitments to support labor rights standards and fair prices for their cocoa suppliers.

In the past, Oprah has done a number of excellent shows exposing child labor abuses.  For example, years ago she featured a groundbreaking documentary about child labor globally called Stolen Childhoods on her show.  Oprah can continue to be a leader in protecting children's rights.  Hopefully in the future, she will conduct more due diligence on the child and forced labor policies of the companies promoted on the show and she could also explore the ongoing labor abuses in the cocoa industry -- as well as the inspiring stories of cocoa farmers like Kuapa Kokoo who are spreading positive change in the industry -- on a future show.

