Fair Trade Holiday Song Contest!
Deadline: July 21, 2008
Does Your
Snowman Have a Sunburn?
Does Your
Sandcastle Have Icicles?
Yes, it's summer,
but it's not too early to be thinking about the wintry months!
The Global Exchange summer interns present our:
Corporate America has been very naughty this
year... YOU can be nice by supporting Fair Trade this holiday season
Winter 2008, Global Exchange and
participating Fair Trade organizations/companies will present Fair Trade
caroling to raise awareness and support for the benefits Fair Trade brings to
farmers of coffee, cocoa, and other commodities and craft producers working for
the hope of a better future for their families!
To get ready for this jolly event, Global
Exchange is holding a very merry contest: Write your own Fair Trade-themed
lyrics to the tune of your favorite holiday song!
Please help spread the word by posting the
contest flyer around your community ie church, school, youth group, favorite
Fair Trade café or store, coop – the more the better! Even if you aren’t sure
you’d like to organize a group of carolers, please hang the flyer up so other
people can find out about the competition. The flyer is available at www.globalexchange.org/cocoa.
Grand prize winners: Global Exchange's own unique Fair Trade truffles! The
Grand Prize winners AND up to a dozen of our favorite songs will also be
published in the caroling songbook, with the authors acknowledged in the
songbook and on our website.
• Lyrics will be judged in two categories: adult and kids under 12, with one
grand prize winner in each category • Songs can be religious or secular •
Lyrics should accompany the melody of a well-known song • Submissions must be
original lyrics drafted by the author, focused on Fair Trade certified products
to enter: • Email your entry to 'fairtrade [at] globalexchange.org')">fairtrade@globalexchange.org
with "Holiday Song Submission" in the Subject line BY JULY 21st •
Include in your submission: The name of the tune your holiday song is set to
(such as Silent Night, Rudolph, I Have a Little Dreidl, You Are My Sunshine or
whatever song you choose), full names of the Fair Trade lyrics' authors, phone
number, email address, full mailing address (so we can contact prizewinners and
send prizes), your age (optional for adults), and permission for Global
Exchange to publish the song.
Want to receive information about Christmas caroling when it happens? Visit www.globalexchange.org/subscribe
and subscribe to our Fair Trade National listserv!