Wal-Mart Speaking Tour visits Dover, OH

As a union member, I would like to thank Savin and Didier for having the
strength to come here and share their experiences. Giving people a face to put
with the stories that we hear about is very important as we try to educate local
communities of the inhumane conditions workers face everyday in other countries
so that products are available here in the US. Cheap goods come at a high cost
somewhere down the line even if we don’t see it. Big corporations are reaping
huge profits at the expense of workers and consumers.

We stand with Savin and Didier, and others like them, to continue their
struggle to organize and fight for fair, safe, equitable, and humane working
conditions all around the globe.

I am excited and encouraged by the conversations that took place in question
portion of the presentation. Opening up that dialog in small communities is what
brings about education and change.

Thanks again to the workers and all who participated.

I wish you all safe travel and a successful tour.