Despues hubo la proyeccion de una pelicula "China Azul" que narraba
la historia de una joven que dejo su casa en China para venir a
trabajar en las fabricas de Jeans del sur de China. La pelicula mostro
como ella se alimentaba, dormia, y sus jornadas de mas de 20 horas, y
los bajos salarios. Estas cosas entre otras dejaron impactado al
publico que se encontraba alli. Luego participe compartiendo mis
experiencias como presidente de un sindicato de trabajadores de flores,
junto con Cynthia quien hablo como trabajadora de Wal-Mart y Jayaram
que es organizador de mujeres textileras en la India. Describimos la
forma como aumentan las condiciones de explotacion para los
trabajadores sin importar el pais o el producto. Tambien hablamos de
que a Wal-Mart solo le interesa tener calidad, cantidad, y bajos
precios, sin importar si los multinacionales que le proveen sus
productos cumplen con las legislaciones de esos paises o si se cumplen
las minimas practicas en derecho de asociacion, salarios justos, tipo
de contratacion, y una buena seguridad industrial.
Al final del evento la gente se acerco para hacernos preguntas y
aprender mas sobre la produccion de flores y textiles. Tambien es
importante rescatar que esta serie de charlas y eventos que hemos
tenido en esta semana ha creado una conciencia entre la gente de lo
importante que es estar en este mundo en unas condiciones mas dignas y
con equidad.
Solo con el esfuerzo de todos lo lograremos.
I am very happy because I have been able to share my experiences with people that share my ideas and point of view.
In Bellingham there was a large turnout. I met some people who had
had the opportunity to go to Colombia. I went to the part of the city
where protests have been held for one hour every Friday night for 40
years. "There is always something to protest," they say. The night that
I went, they were protesting against the war in Iraq.
Afterwards there was a screening of a film called "China Blue" which
told the story of a young woman who left her home in China to go work
at a jeans factory in the south of China. The movie showed how she ate
and slept, her 20+ hour workdays, and the low wages. These things,
among others, strongly affected the audience. Then I shared my
experiences as the president of a flower workers' union, along with
Cynthia who talked about working at Wal-Mart, and Jayaram who organizes
women garment workers in India. We described how working conditions are
worsening and exploitation is increasing of workers in all different
countries and sectors. We also talked about how Wal-Mart only cares
about having quantity, quality, and low prices, but doesn't care at all
whether the multinationals that supply their products comply with
national laws or with minimal standards regarding freedom of
association, fair wages, hiring practices, and occupational safety.
At the end of the event, people came up to ask us more questions and
learn more about the production of flowers and garments. It is also
important to mention that this series of events and meetings that we
have had this week has helped to raise awareness among people about how
important it is to be in a world with fair conditions and equality.
Only by joining all of our efforts can we achieve this.