
Justice Delayed: The Long Road of the Guatemala CAFTA Complaint

Publication Date: 

January 12, 2015
In September 2014, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) announced that it will finally proceed to arbitration against the Government of Guatemala, more than six years after a complaint was filed alleging that Guatemala was violating the labor standards contained in the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). 

Letter to the Thai Government in support of Andy Hall

Publication Date: 

October 28, 2014

To Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha:

We are writing to request your assistance in ending the abusive use of Thailand’s criminal defamation law and Computer Crimes Act to silence migrant labor rights defender Andy Hall. The Royal Government of Thailand should respect freedom of speech and make sure that human rights defenders can continue their work free from judicial harassment.

Fair Share Wrappers for Your Holiday Treats!

Publication Date: 

October 24, 2014

The chocolate treats we enjoy this holiday season likely have a dark side.

The chocolate industry earns an estimated $110 billion a year, yet many of the farmers who grow cocoa live in abject poverty. Despite some progress, child labor remains a serious problem in cocoa growing communities. Farmers lack critical voice in a cocoa marketplace that does not provide fair, sustainable incomes for farmers or wages for farm workers.
