General Strike!


Monday, May 1, 2017 - 12:00am to Sunday, October 20, 2024 - 1:47am


In your community and everywhere! Join ILRF staff in Washington, DC. For other cities, peruse this list compiled by Beyond the Momentthis listing by the Rise Up coalition, or this May 1 coalition list to find an action near you. 

Immigrant rights, labor, and community organizations around the country are calling for a General Strike on May 1st. 

Do you refuse to stay silent as government and corporate interests:

  • Escalate immigration raids that are shattering families
  • Violate Native sovereignty
  • Drive down wages, safety protections, and organizing rights
  • Increase the criminalization of Black and Brown communities
  • Exclude trans people from public life
  • Ban Muslims because of their faith
  • Rapidly destroy the environment

Our Demands

Let us strike together for a world where human rights and equality are respected. A world in which immigrant families are no longer torn apart and no Black life is senselessly taken. A world where every child gets a good public education, every woman and girl is safe, every parent can access affordable childcare, every family has quality health care, every senior can retire in dignity, and every person has risen out of poverty.

We need to show this Administration, Congress and large corporate interests that our human and economic worth is more powerful than their agenda of hate and greed. Opposing Trump is not enough. We must stop him.

Pledge to participate in #may1strike. See the links below to find an action near you.

#may1strike is an invitation from the Food Chain Workers Alliance and SEIU USWW to build a General Strike together on International Workers Day. We also recommend following #daywithoutimmigrants and #UnDiaSinInmigrantes.