Gender Equality, Women's Rights and Globalization: From Goal to Governance


Friday, March 13, 2015 - 8:30am to Sunday, March 16, 2025 - 5:06pm


Columbia University Club
15 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036


This conference, which is co-sponsored by Columbia University and UN Women, will focus on the challenges posed by globalization and the growing importance of transnational social, economic and cultural processes, to the realization of the post-2015 agenda on gender equality and women's empowerment.


8:30-9:00         Breakfast served

9:00- 9:20        Welcome and Opening Remarks

9: 20 -10:40     Panel I: Forward Looking Economic and Social Strategies

10:50 – 12:10  Panel II: Globalizing Production

12:20 – 1:40    On-site luncheon.  The Feminization of Migration.

1:50 – 3:10      Panel III: Globalizing Reproduction

3:20 – 4:40      Panel IV: Promoting Freedom from Violence in a Globalized World

ILRF executive director Judy Gearhart and Kalpona Akter, executive director of the Bangladesh Center for Worker Solidarity, will present on "The Globalization of Production: Uses and abuses of gendered labor markets" panel at 10:50am. Accompanying Kalpona Akter will be Mahinur Begum, a former garment worker who survived the Rana Plaza building collapse when she was just 16 years old.

The conference is free. To register online, and for more information, click here.