Royal Thai Embassy in Washington, DC, 1024 Wisconsin Ave NW
Activists from four countries staged demonstrations on October 29, 2014, outside Royal Thai Embassies on behalf of labor rights activist Andy Hall. Hall faces four criminal and civil charges brought by Natural Fruit, a Thai pineapple processing company. Natural Fruit filed the charges after Hall contributed to research by the Finnish NGO Finnwatch, which documented conditions including illegally low wages, forced overtime, document confiscation, and hazardous working conditions at a Natural Fruit pineapple canning factory in Southern Thailand.
The first of those charges was dismissed on October 29, 2014, due to an illegal interrogation process. The trial for a second civil defamation case started on October 30, Hall's 35th birthday. If found guilty on all remaining charges, Hall could face more than 8 years in prison and more than $10 million in fines.
Demonstrators aimed to raise public awareness about the case, and demanded the Thai Government end this abusive use of Thai law to silence human rights activists and ensure decent working conditions for migrant workers.
More photos of the events in DC and the Hague are available here, and photos from the London action can be found here. ILRF's press release about the DC action is also available here.
To support Andy's case, please send a message to Natural Fruit and other key stakeholders in the case, or contribute to Andy Hall's legal fund!