In the News

Democrats, Labor Sound Warnings on Peru Free-Trade Deal

National Journal's CongressDailyAM

By Martin Vaughan

House Democrats and a major labor union sounded warnings Wednesday on the U.S.-Peru free-trade agreement, which the Bush administration might submit for congressional approval this


Taking aim at Peru's record on protecting worker rights and eradicating child labor, the Democrats' criticisms cast doubt on whether the administration will be able to secure widespread

bipartisan support for the deal.

Colombia, U.S. Trade Partner, Violates Labor Rights, Study Says


By Mark Drajem

Workers in Colombia face legal hurdles to organizing unions and are often threatened with violence, according to a U.S. government report that may raise questions about a recent trade agreement with the Andean nation.

``Labor leaders continued to be targets of attacks by illegal armed groups, primarily for political reasons,'' the State Department's annual report on human rights said. ``Union leaders contended that perpetrators of violence against workers

operated with virtual impunity.''

Colombia, U.S. Trade Partner, Violates Labor Rights, Study Says


By Mark Drajem

Workers in Colombia face legal hurdles to organizing unions and are often threatened with violence, according to a U.S. government report that may raise questions about a recent trade agreement with the Andean nation.

``Labor leaders continued to be targets of attacks by illegal armed groups, primarily for political reasons,'' the State Department's annual report on human rights said. ``Union leaders contended that perpetrators of violence against workers

operated with virtual impunity.''

Colombia, U.S. Trade Partner, Violates Labor Rights, Study Says


By Mark Drajem

Workers in Colombia face legal hurdles to organizing unions and are often threatened with violence, according to a U.S. government report that may raise questions about a recent trade agreement with the Andean nation.

``Labor leaders continued to be targets of attacks by illegal armed groups, primarily for political reasons,'' the State Department's annual report on human rights said. ``Union leaders contended that perpetrators of violence against workers

operated with virtual impunity.''

Andrew Young: Shameless Son

The Black Commentator

By Bruce Dixon

Black History Month 2006 ended on a jarring note. Andrew Young, a former member of Dr. King's inner circle at SCLC, who went on to serve three terms in Congress, a stint as U.N. ambassador and two terms as mayor of Atlanta before cashing out his Freedom Movement chips for a lucrative career as an international "business consultant," decisively spat upon the movement for human rights and economic justice that he spent his early career helping to build.

Andrew Young: Shameless Son

The Black Commentator

By Bruce Dixon

Black History Month 2006 ended on a jarring note. Andrew Young, a former member of Dr. King's inner circle at SCLC, who went on to serve three terms in Congress, a stint as U.N. ambassador and two terms as mayor of Atlanta before cashing out his Freedom Movement chips for a lucrative career as an international "business consultant," decisively spat upon the movement for human rights and economic justice that he spent his early career helping to build.

Cross Stitches

The Hindu

By Anuja Mirchandaney

My sister in the US recently bought a smartly embroidered top for $35, and was amused to find a `Made in India' tag. Had she known that only $1.8 of the retail price went for labour, she would have been shocked. While the Indian garment sector earns high export revenues, the flip side is that the substantial profit accruing to foreign retailers and, to a lesser extent, Indian manufacturers, is not reflected in the garment workers' wages.
