Grave Concerns for Democracy and Trade Union Freedoms in Guinea


The announcement a few hours ago of the death of General Lansana Conté, President of the Republic of Guinea, has produced a highly complex political scenario which makes us fear for the maintenance of the democratic and constitutional order.

For this reason the International Trade Union Confederation appeals to the Prime Minister and to the Chief of Staff of the State of Guinea to make every effort to avoid an uncertain military outcome to this transitional situation and to ensure that the provisions of the constitution in the event of the death of the President of the Republic are fully adhered to.

The ITUC is very concerned at allegations pointing to a suspension of trade union freedoms. For ITUC General Secretary Guy Ryder, “the Guinean people have suffered enough. Only a democratic and peaceful outcome can provide a lasting answer. This being said, in the present context, it is essential that trade union rights and the integrity of the leaders of the trade union organizations grouped within the CNTG-USTG Inter-Confederation, enlarged to include the ONSLG and the UDTG, be respected. The sad events of January and February 2007 have left a bitter taste.”

The ITUC has also contacted the Director-General of the International Labour Organization – ILO – calling on this organization to intervene as a matter of urgency to ensure that trade union rights are preserved in this crisis situation.