In the News

Factory Fires Spark Burning Questions about Perils of Apparel

San Diego City Beat

By D.A. Kolodenko

Working for Wal-Mart sucks worse than shopping there. One minute you’re sweating your ass off from sewing together pieces of fleece active-wear in a stuffy, locked factory; the next minute you’re still sweating, but now it’s because you’re burning to death. Yes, slaving 12 hours a day under shitty conditions for $4 a week was bad enough, but nowadays Wal-Mart workers face possible death.

Factory fires spark burning questions about the perils of apparel

San Diego City Beat

By D.A. Kolodenko

Working for Wal-Mart sucks worse than shopping there. One minute you’re sweating your ass off from sewing together pieces of fleece active-wear in a stuffy, locked factory; the next minute you’re still sweating, but now it’s because you’re burning to death. Yes, slaving 12 hours a day under shitty conditions for $4 a week was bad enough, but nowadays Wal-Mart workers face possible death.

CAFTA's Corpse Revived


By Mark Engler

A year ago the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) was a corpse. The Bush Administration resurrected it with the darkest of political sorcery. And now the lumbering beast is growing ever more monstrous--and arousing new controversy.

India’s lost children

IndUS Business Journal

By Paul Imbesi

Groups work to abolish child labor, help educate former youth workers

According to the India-based Mamidipudi Venkatarangaiya Foundation, there are 80 million child laborers working in India. This non-governmental organization has been working for over 13 years to get the message out about abolishing this practice, but it has also gone a step further — it is helping former child laborers by providing them with an education.

Liberia: Thanks U.S., But...

The Analyst

By The Analyst

THE LIBERIAN EMBASSY in Washington D.C. last week dispatched a communication highlighting that the President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, had signed a proclamation to reinstate duty-free trade benefits for the Republic of Liberia. The communication
