In the News

Wal-Mart Wins Ruling on Foreign Labor

The New York Times

Wal-Mart Stores cannot be held liable under United States law for labor conditions at some of its overseas suppliers, a federal judge has ruled.

A complaint filed last year in Los Angeles by the International Labor Rights Fund contended that employees of Wal-Mart suppliers in China, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Swaziland and Nicaragua were forced to work overtime without pay and in some cases were fired because they tried to organize unions. The group sought to represent hundreds of thousands of employees of Wal-Mart’s overseas suppliers...

U.S. ignores abuse of Chinese workers

Buffalo News

Excerpt from article:

When I asked Fisher-Price Toys, owned by Mattel, about a recent riot at a Chinese plant where Mattel toys are made, Fisher-Price shunted that and other questions to Mattel headquarters.

Mattel responded with an e-mail listing a number of purportedly do-good organizations it joined or helped found in countries like China.  

Included in the list are Business for Social Responsibility, Governance Metrics International, FTSE4Good and Domini 400 Socially Responsible Investment.

Steamed Over Sweatshops; Our probe of Chinese working conditions unleashes fury -- and ideas for reform

Business News

Many major American retail chains and brand-name manufacturers have
answered criticism that they exploit "sweatshop" labor by adopting codes
of conduct and on-site monitoring of their Chinese suppliers. But a
BusinessWeek investigation found that in China, many factories have just
improved their skill at concealing abuses. Our Nov. 27 Cover Story,
"Secrets, Lies, and Sweatshops," revealed that numerous Chinese
factories keep fake books to fool outside inspectors and distribute

Groups Faults China's Wal-Mart Suppliers

Associated Press

Excerpt from article:

Several Chinese suppliers of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. fail to pay legally required wages or provide health insurance and allow poor working conditions, a New York-based labor group says.

A Wal-Mart spokesman said Friday it was looking into the claims in a  report issued this week by China Labor Watch. Managers at two  companies cited in the report denied the accusations.

Gov’t deports American human rights lawyer

Inquirer (Philippines)

CEBU CITY -- An American human rights lawyer has been banned from the Philippines ahead of next week’s summit of Southeast

Asian leaders in Cebu province, officials said.

Brian Campbell of the Washington-based International Labor Rights Fund was detained at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport(NAIA) in Manila late Wednesday after flying in from the United States via Hong Kong.

Campbell, who wanted to attend a “jobs and justice” conference organized by activists on the sidelines of the Association of
