In the News

Cocoa Companies Fail To Let Consumers Know Which Chocolate Is Produced Without Child Labor

Corporate WatchDog Radio

Excerpt from article: 

By Brian Campbell

...Forty percent of the World’s cocoa is produced in the Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa. The US Department of State has estimated more than one hundred thousand children work under “the worst forms of child labor,” in that country. Some 10,000 or more are victims of human trafficking or enslavement.

Committee chosen to develop ANSI sustainable agriculture standard

Food Chemical News

Excerpt from article:

The Wisconsin-based Leonardo Academy has chosen a committee to develop a sustainable agriculture standard for adoption by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Organic and small-scale farming are strongly represented on the panel,  which also includes representatives of major agribusiness trade associations and well-known food companies such as Kellogg and General
Mills (see below).

No milk of human kindness for Clooney

The Observer

By Oliver Marre

There is trouble looming for George Clooney in the usually welcome form of Emma Thompson. The actress is seeking to persuade Clooney to reconsider his position as the smooth face of Nespresso coffee, because of the controversy surrounding the ethics of its parent company, Nestlé.

Thompson has written in support of Baby Milk Action, the group that campaigns against the way Nestlé sells and markets various infant foods in the developing world.

Firestone Linked to Pollution And Abuses

The Analyst (Liberia)

By J. Nathaniel Daygbor

The Firestone Rubber Plantation Company in Harbel, Margibi County is making claims of gains it is making in its activities since the sitting of the Ellen-led government, such as housing and education, but a local environmental group thinks otherwise.

Save My Future Foundation (SAMFU) says the company is abusing its workers and also polluting the Farmington River.

Widespread Abuse of Workers’ Rights Reported against Firestone

The Liberian Journal

The widespread abuse of workers’ rights by the Firestone/Bridgestone Rubber Plantation in Liberia has been revealed in a report published by Save My Future Foundation, and Human rights activists will hold a demonstration Wednesday in Washington, DC.

The protest will be held in front of a public relations office, representing the Bridgestone/Firestone Rubber Company.

At the same time Firestone Workers’ Union and the Firestone/Bridgestone management will be negotiating in Liberia for better wages and other benefits.

Protest Targets Firestone

Daily Observer

Wednesday, July 23 from 12 noon to 1:00 pm, members of Stop Firestone Coalition held a lively demonstration in front of the offices of Public Strategies, Inc. at 607 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20005.

Public Strategies is a public relations firm which represents the Bridgestone/Firestone Tyre Company and helps deflect attention from the company's long history of exploiting workers and the environment on its rubber plantation in Liberia, according to the Coalition.
