Outside the World Bank Headquarters
1818 H St NW
Washington, DC 20433
What: Building-sized projection action and picket outside World Bank headquarters on International Human Rights Day!
The World Bank is providing more than $500 million in financing to the government of Uzbekistan for projects in agriculture, despite widespread use of systematic, state-orchestrated forced labor in the project areas. The World Bank has pledged to suspend the projects if forced or child labor is found where its projects operate. Uzbek citizens reported state-led forced labor continued in the project areas, and an International Labour Organization reported reaffirmed the existence of forced labor in them during the 2015 cotton harvest. It's time for the Bank to suspend further payments until the Uzbek government stops using forced labor!
We are planning a unique protest action to get the Bank's attention and we need your help! On December 10, International Human Rights Day, we will project images of forced labor in Uzbekistan onto the World Bank building, and rally outside to send a message the Bank can't ignore. Please join us for this important action on an important day to STAND UP against egregious human rights abuses, including forced labor.
Even if you can't join in person, you can still help us hold the World Bank accountable by signing our petition, to be delivered to the World Bank in early 2016!