Help the Farm Workers Who Pick Your Berries Fight for Human Rights!


Monday, February 15, 2016 - 4:00pm to Thursday, February 27, 2025 - 2:34am


Rally begins at Washington Circle in Washington, D.C., followed by a march to picket outside Whole Foods in Foggy Bottom, 2201 Eye Street NW.

Join farm worker and President of Familias Unidas, Ramon Torres, on Presidents Day, Monday Feb. 15, 2016, when the DC Familias Unidas Solidarity Committee will hold a picket in front of the Whole Foods at 2201 I St. NW, in downtown DC, following a short rally at 4:00pm in nearby Washington Circle. Directly after the rally & picket, we will march a short distance to the Bolivarian Hall of the Embassy of Venezuela (1099 30th St NW, Washington, DC 20007), where Torres will discuss the struggles he and his fellow workers have had to endure that led to the formation of Familias Unidas por la Justicia, the strikes and the boycott of Driscoll's called by farm workers from Washington State to Mexico.

The migrant farm workers who pick the berries for Sakuma Brothers Berry Farm in Skagit County, Washington  -- one of the largest berry companies in the US -- are fighting for union recognition and an end to exploitation in Sakuma’s berry fields. In the summer of 2013, the farm workers at Sakuma went on strike and formed a union, Familias Unidas por la Justicia (United Families for Justice). They continue the fight to end systematic wage theft, racist abuse in the fields and inhumane housing conditions. They want a higher wage, health insurance, and respect on the job.

After Sakuma broke promises they made during a negotiation session, the members of Familias Unidas por la Justicia voted to endorse a public boycott of Sakuma, Driscoll's berries and Haagen-Dazs (both major buyers/packers of Sakuma berries) until the labor dispute is resolved and the workers have a contract recognizing their union. Whole Foods is a major supplier of Driscoll’s berries, and its stores have continued to sell Driscoll’s products despite knowing about Familias Unidas’ boycott. Come join us to pressure Whole Foods to honor Familias Unidas’ boycott of Sakuma and Driscoll’s, and to stand in solidarity with the migrant farm workers who pick our berries!