Black Friday Walmart Protests

Photo from OUR Walmart


Friday, November 27, 2015 - 12:00am to Saturday, March 15, 2025 - 9:51pm


At a Walmart near you!

Please note: In ArkansasCaliforniaColoradoFloridaMarylandOhio,  and Texas, Walmart has taken legal action to prevent concerned individuals from showing their support for Walmart employees inside their stores or in the parking lots. In these states, we ask that you remain off of Walmart property and instead place calls to the store manager.

Stand with Walmart workers on Black Friday fasting for $15/hour & full-time. While the Waltons own more wealth than the bottom 42% of our country, Walmart workers are struggling every day to put food on the table. This year, OUR Walmart members are calling on the community to join them in the #FastFor15.

#FastFor15 is fifteen days of action led by Walmart workers fasting at Walton homes, Board of Directors homes and Walmart stores and offices culminating in another national day of action this Black Friday.

Are you ready to join the action? Sign up at to signal that you'll support Walmart workers this Black Friday!

In one of the following cities? Then join an anchor event: