Oil palm worker's physical vulnerability

Additionally, it should be noted that companies exert great pressure on the Professional Risk Insurance (Aseguradora de Riesgos Profesionales -ARP), so that they do not recognize a score according to the real needs of worker’s injury or illness. At the same time, the ARP finds this convenient because such a certification means a great cost. Thus, they complicate the situation by losing the correspondence from the ARP, or by assigning an incorrect score or even attributing mistaken injuries and in most cases, declaring that the injury is part of a degenerative disease. All of that delays the diagnosis process much more, reaching the point where the worker finally gets tired and stops demanding respect for his/her rights.031710Blog2

It is important to note that –in most cases- these workers, before their accident, were dedicated to their jobs. Currently, however, even when they try to do their best, they are discriminated against because of  their condition and are pressured by managers to work as an employee would in normal conditions. There is no consideration for their physical state, worsening their situation.

Given that they are paid a production quota, this also results in low levels of motivation, since they no longer have the physical conditions to work efficiently and consequently can not bring home the earnings necessary to fend off impoverishment.

Therefore, the general expectation for these workers lies in acquiring a dignified level of quality of living, through due recognition of their occupational accident or illness.


re: Oil palm worker's physical vulnerability

One of the things you may not consider when first entering an occupation is the rate of workplace injury Ireland. Ireland has seen dramatic improvements in its health and safety record over the past 10 years. If you have suffered a workplace injury, Ireland´s laws provide a means for you to claim compensation for any physical or psychological trauma you may have experienced. Compensation for workplace injury in Ireland is initially handled by the Injuries Board Ireland, who make an assessment for the level of compensation you are entitled to receive based on the severity of your workplace injury.