Dear Mrs. Jane Elfers,
My name is Mahinur Begum. I am an injured survivor from Rana Plaza. I came from far way, from Bangladesh. I came here to see you and to let you know my painful story. It has been nearly two years that I cannot work in another factory. The reason is that I am still sick and going through trauma. I tried to get another job but when I got the job, every single moment of the disaster kept coming back to me as a series of pictures. At this moment, without a job or money, I am spending my days in a miserable condition. Myself and the rest of the Rana Plaza survivors are still waiting to receive our full compensation. At this moment there is a $9 million gap and we believe that Children’s Place can pay this money. We are demanding that before the two year anniversary of Rana Plaza, please pay and make sure we get our full and fair compensation.
-Mahinur Begum