President of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM Goes Undercover

We’re hoping that Mr. McCann will uphold to his leadership and take on this challenge that would most certainly provide a more in depth look into the egregious working conditions of those who produce for 1-800-FLOWERS.COM.

Furthermore, we hope that gaining a new perspective on such conditions will push the entire company to expand on their corporate social responsibility of providing the public with a code of conduct that applies to all levels of the supply chain. Although I was able to find the corporation’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for the Board of Directors, Officers and Employees, the document failed to include any information on the working conditions of the workers at the root of the flower industry. The same can be said for all of the company’s Corporate Governance section of their Investor Relations website page If you’re looking to invest in 1-800-FLOWERS.COM then by all means, read away! However, for us less stock market savvy people, the page definitely needs a boost in laying out the facts and figures of their supply chain.  Furthermore, it is really important for this company to be more transparent about how it enforces any policies that they may have that impacts farmworkers.

At the end of the day, we know that ultimately we have no control over someone else’s actions. We can however take things into our own hands and start making a difference today. Click here to learn how you can support flower workers worldwide and begin impacting the lives of those who provide us the bouquets that brighten up our kitchens and cubicles.




re: President of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM Goes Undercover

Dang I missed that episode! One quick question, do you think it would be better for me to send flowers through a large company like 1800 flowers or should I go through a local business?